Kicking and Punching Fat Away

The outcome of this whole Krav Maga and overall fitness experiment has been very encouraging. I have to openly support both the regular practice of Krav Maga and also the regular morning ritual of standing on the scale to see what's happened each day....always hoping for some rapid unexplained weightloss which will put me at the 20lbs lost mark. Did I ever mention the $100 bet that Carrie and I have with eachother? Basically whoever reaches 20lbs lost first gets the cash in the pot....and I'm at 11.5lbs already. I can almost see the Franklin within my grasp now.
Yesterday I read in the paper that 1 in 3 white Americans will become obese. What great timing as a motivation for our exercise routines. It's funny to think that mentally I work out ways to get more exercise when not even 4 months ago I'd be looking for methods to find more relaxation. Little things like taking the stairs at work instead of elevators, walking down to the train station from work(only on select occations like Yankee game days because the area of South Bronx is shady and the traffic is terrible) and walking to the local bodega (look that one up if you're outside the NYC area) for a sandwich instead of eating at work or fast food. Basically I figure that every little bit helps, and an extra boost today means that I can have a little break later and not feel as guilty. Hopefully Carrie and I will be the 2 in 3 who look at the 1 in 3 and think...."Wow....didn't they see it coming, all that fried chicken, Cold Stone and McDonalds?"
In the meantime we continue our fitness journey with Krav Maga as our guide...squeezing in a workout at the gym as well when not in class. We've trained very hard, sometimes to exhaustion with kicks, grabs, punches and throws, but it's been worth the time and effort. We're taking a special knife seminar (yes...knife, as in the sharp object an attacker would like to harm you with) and also will be testing for our Yellow Belts soon. It sounds funny...but in class it's a serious thing to have your belts and know your stuff. So with confidence increased, weight decreased, strength enhanced and focus maintained we're continuing to kick and punch the fat away...always checking in the morning to see if we've moved closer to the $100 incentive.
Keep up the good work. I am training in Krav Maga at St Louis Krav Maga and Fitness, which is Sam Sade's school. It's the best workout I've ever had. I'll like to your blog to keep up on your progress.
Me, at 12:14 PM
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