The Starting Line

Six years of dating one another, hundreds of "dinner dates", special desserts on good days and even more special desserts on bad ones...all fantastic memories, chocolate coated and sickeningly sweet, unfortunately all of this eating has caught up to us. Six years ago we were regularly working out, eating well (at least Carrie was doing well) and feeling pretty good about our general appearances. Both of us had just coming off of being single...we were in prime condition. Oh.....those days are so long, long ago...many pounds and a few sizes have passed the both of us since.
It should be carefully noted that we are not morbidly obese by any means, in fact we're pretty fit in comparison to the majority of the United States (which may not actually be saying much) but there comes a point in everyone's life when personal health, weight and appearance should be addressed. Unfortunately for some it comes later than for others.
Not wanting to be caught in the "too late to care" situation...we're trying to change our lives, turn time back to a healthier era, and get back into prime physical condition.
The kicker here is twofold (there's always a catch):
- We like eating great food, having nice wine and basically enjoying gourmet cuisine whenever and whereever possible (also enjoying the occational junk food binge as well)
- We live in New York City...The Food Capital of the World...and Restaurant Week has just been extended.
At a weight of 225lbs. and a height of 5' 11" this is the starting line for me. This is the height and weight of the beginning for me. This is where it more Snickers for breakfast (hey...I'm often in a hurry and it satisfies), no more excuses to keep me away from the gym and absolutely no McDonalds, KFC or Taco Bell. Our SuperSized days are over...hopefully.
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