Weights Are Heavy....And So Am I

Recently I've added weights to my exercise program, begun supplementing my diet with Nitro-Tech protein and started hitting the Creatine for a "loading" phase which has both been encouraged and dismissed by critics all over the Internet. Regardless...I'm doing it my way. I've been focusing the diet on more protein than carbs and fats (of course) than anything else and have begun to drink more water than I usually do. I'm told that it's vital to get the Arnold size I'm looking for....in addition to incredible amounts of steroids (which for the sake of living a long and healthy life I chosen to avoid this time around).
The 20-minute cardio warm-up, stretching and the supplements seem to be working...at least I've convinced myself of this fact. I can actually feel myself getting stronger, tighter...and if you press hard enough into my belly I swear you can even feel some abs (although Carrie is convinced that I'm merely stabbing at my poor liver). I'm not even getting the typical soreness I used to have years ago after a hard lifting session...and trust me I'm lifting some serious weight (although some of the women at the gym probably will giggle at the sight of me lifting my weight next to some of the resident Roid Monsters) Regardless, I feel good and it feels great to lift again after so many years of lifting primarily pizza slices, beer bottles, candy bars and super-sized meals.
Don't get me wrong though...most days of the week you'll still find me and Carrie on the Elliptical Trainer with all the ladies and stringy long distance runner dudes (or girly-men as Arnold would say) running our never-ending races toward exhaustion. Cardio is still the primary activity to get us back into the shape we're hoping for. I just hope to minimize the muscle loss that comes from the weight loss process and also get my muscles back into action.
I could be doing this all wrong...I could be missing some small piece of the physical training puzzle...but as long as I stay focused on where I want to be, focus on getting my whole body into the lifting program and keep well nourished....I think I'll be alright.
Seriously...if a stringy little Von Trapp looking guy like Arnold could build himself up to be both Mr. Universe and Gov. of California....I can at least loose a few pounds and get some muscle action going on here. In closing I'd like to say, "Arnold for President...and Greg for Vice-President".
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