Exercise Hard....Sleep Good

There is no denying that exercise is hard and sleep is good. The problem, in my opinion, comes when the two are taken to the extreme....exercise seems too hard and sleep seems too good. I have faced this dilemma many times, typically rationalizing how tired I've been all week...how hard I've been working...how laying around the house will be the best thing to do. I'm not an anti-sleeper now by any means...in fact I'm pro-sleep, in full support of sleepers rights. I just have a hard time motivating past the "should I just lay on the nice, warm comfortable couch or should I go to the cold, crowded gym". Knowing well that I've already made the decision in my mind to stay on the couch.
Another thing that is difficult for me is eating fruit and vegetables. Again, I am not anti-fruit & veg...just a bit under nourished in this particular department. Carrie, coming from a peach farming family, is a big supporter of fruit and vegetables (see the picture of her modeling California Peaches in Boston). I'm more of a consumer of these things as an additive to something else. Examples of this are:
Cherries in Cherry Garcia, Lettuce on my Big Mac (you know.... Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese), Oranges.....well actually they are pretty good...but all the peeling, squirting and stuff make this orange preferrable in my opinion.
That was the old me though. I'm a peach, nectarine, strawberry, spinach, carrot, apple eating fool....when Carrie buys them of course. Being the typical male I prefer protein to just about everything else...seriously what's better than a medium rare steak cooked to perfection sitting on your plate? The red meat has been seriously cut back on, opting now for more chicken, fish and pork...but protein is still king in my eating world. Carrie used to give me a hard time about eating some form of meat with every meal...which blew me away! I mean....aren't you supposed to eat meat that way? I blame my childhood and parents that had the same type of protein based eating mantra. Old habits die hard I guess...and apparently so do people who eat meat with every meal.
To bring this thing full circle...I'm tired now, sleep does sound good....and I'm sore because exercise is hard....but I have a legitimate goal to reach and some (more than some) fat to burn. Man could I go for a burger and fries though.....doesn't that sound great?
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